Recovery of VAT from abroad
Let us help You to recover VAT incurred by You in a fast, reliable and safe way. Our experts will help You recover the money due to You.
Fuel, AdBlue
Spare parts
Parking fee


get your money back!

About us

Are You looking for specialists with many years of experience, who are thoroughly familiar with the constantly changing regulations in the countries of return, on whom you can always rely?

We will recover the VAT due to You from EU countries, Norway and Great Britain in a reliable, effective and safe way.

strzalka fajka spacja We will go through all the procedures for you
strzalka fajka spacja We will answer your questions
strzalka fajka spacja We will take care of the entire refund process

More about us

We offer extremely competitive commission rates!
Check how much
you will save with us!

Goods and services you can reclaim VAT on

Call us +48 669 223 210

Fuel, AdBlue

Road tolls and road user charge

Parking fee

Spare parts

Expenditure relating to means of transport

Car wash




Stages of cooperation


At the beginning, we discuss the terms of cooperation in detail and sign a short and clear contract.


We send appropriate powers of attorney, verify received documents, create and send applications to the relevant tax authorities.


The refund of the amount due is transferred to your bank account. We issue an invoice with a 10-day payment deadline.

Basic rules for VAT refund:

  • VAT refund is allowed under the Council Directive.
  • The refund application shall be submitted to the Member State of establishment and Norway at the latest on 30 September of the calendar year following the refund period.
  • The prescribed year in Great Britain is the 12 months from 1 July to 30 June of the following calendar year, so we must make Your claim no later than 31 December.
  • We can make Your claim quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.
  • Claim limits:
    a)  If the refund application relates to a quarterly or half-yearly refund, the amount of VAT for which a refund is applied for may not be less than € 400 or the equivalent in national currency. In case of Norway the limit is 5000 NOK, of Great Britain the limit is 130£.
    b) If the refund application relates to a refund period of a calendar year, the amount of VAT may not be less than € 50 or the equivalent in national currency. In case of Norway the limit is 500 NOK, of Great Britain the limit is 16£.
  • The Member State of refund, according to the Council Directive, shall notify the applicant of its decision within four months of its receipt by that Member State. In case of Norway and Great Britain the period is six months.