VAT refund from Great Britain

We help entrepreneurs recover VAT from Great Britain

VAT refund from Great Britain was possible on the same terms as in all European Union countries. However, after Brexit, the situation changed and the UK introduced its own internal regulations. Despite this, VAT refunds from Great Britain are still possible for companies registered in Poland that incur costs in Great Britain.
In the case of a VAT refund from Great Britain, it is important to properly document the costs incurred and submit applications on time.

If your company meets these criteria, it is worth using this solution. With us, you can quickly and efficiently obtain a tax refund from Great Britain, avoiding complicated procedures and formalities.

VAT refund from Great Britain

Let us be your partner in tax matters and together we will recover the VAT charged on purchases in the UK. Use our help to save time and avoid unnecessary stress related to tax formalities. Trust the TRANS VAT company - we help entrepreneurs obtain VAT refunds from abroad without unnecessary difficulties. We are here to make your business life easier and provide comprehensive tax services. Contact us today and take advantage of our services!

UK VAT refund for international carriers

With us you will recover the
VAT due to you.

Under British law, such as the Value Added Tax Act 1994, the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 and 2020 (post-Brexit), entrepreneurs can claim a VAT refund from the UK. VAT refund applications must meet strict conditions set by the UK, and there are a number of internal restrictions and constantly changing regulations with which our team is thoroughly familiar.
Therefore, it is worth using TRANS VAT services to recover VAT from Great Britain effectively and without unnecessary complications.

To learn more, contact our specialists at number +48 669 223 210 or send a message using form.

VAT refund from Great Britain is possible, among others: for the following goods/services:

  • Fuel, AdBlue
  • Road tolls and road user charge
  • Parking fee
  • Spare parts
  • Expenditure relating to means of transport
  • Car wash*
  • Accommodation*
  • Others

* VAT refund is not possible in all countries; in some cases, only partial VAT refund is possible.

For detailed information on VAT refunds from Great Britain, please contact us.

What conditions must be met to receive a VAT refund from Great Britain?

  • Applications for a refund of VAT paid for products/services purchased in Great Britain may be submitted by companies registered in Poland as an active VAT payer.
  • The company does not have a permanent establishment or VAT register in the UK.
  • The VAT paid is duly confirmed by receipts or invoices issued by the supplier or service provider.
  • VAT applies to the purchase of goods or services used in a business that is eligible for UK VAT deduction.

Our inquisitive team specializes in UK VAT refunds for businesses. We will make sure that no documents are missed and every penny you are owed goes back into your pocket.


To claim a VAT refund, you must apply within 6 months of the end of the UK tax year. The tax year in the UK runs from July 1 to June 30, so the deadline for submitting a VAT refund application for the entire tax year is December 31.

How long do you have to wait for a VAT refund from Great Britain after Brexit?

UK VAT refunds for companies from other EU countries may take up to 6 months from the date of submission of the application to HM Revenue and Customs. To avoid extending this deadline, all necessary documents should be completely and carefully prepared at the stage of submitting the application. Therefore, it is worth using TRANS VAT services to recover VAT from Great Britain without unnecessary complications and delays.
Our dedicated team will be happy to help you throughout the VAT refund process. You can be sure that we will act quickly and efficiently, taking care of your interests.

By choosing TRANS VAT, you are choosing a partner you can trust and who will take care of your VAT refund from Great Britain in a professional and reliable manner. Therefore, do not wait any longer - use our services and enjoy a quick and effective VAT refund thanks to TRANS VAT.

VAT refund from Great Britain, how long does the VAT refund procedure take?

Cooperation stages

CALL US +48 669 223 210
1. During a telephone conversation or at a meeting with the client, the terms of cooperation regarding VAT refund from Great Britain are discussed in detail. Based on the information obtained, the commission rate for the service is determined.
2. We sign a short and clear cooperation agreement.
3. We receive the documents necessary to apply for a refund, verify them, ask about any deficiencies (if any), create applications for VAT refund from Great Britain and send them to the relevant tax authorities within 10 days of receiving the complete set of documents.
4. Your UK VAT refund is credited to your bank account.
5. We issue an invoice for the service.

Basic rules for VAT refund from Great Britain:

  • AT refunds from the UK are available under the Value Added Tax Act 1994, the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 and 2020.
  • The financial year in the UK starts on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year. We have six months to submit the application and it is possible until December 31.
  • Applications can be submitted quarterly, semi-annually or once a year.
  • There are limits on the amount of submitted applications:
    a) If the VAT refund application relates to a quarterly or half-yearly period, the requested VAT refund amount cannot be less than £130.
    b) If the VAT refund claim relates to a refund period of a calendar year, the VAT amount cannot be less than £16.
  • The UK has 6 months to consider the application from the moment it is received.

We guarantee that the VAT refund offer from France with TRANS VAT will be tailored to your needs and will meet the highest expectations. We are a partner you can always rely on, passionate professionals and experts in the field of VAT refunds from abroad. Let us take care of your VAT refund and see why it is worth relying on our experience and commitment.

With us you will save time, money and nerves, and your business will benefit new development prospects and success.

Interested in cooperation?

Contact us by phone +48 669 223 210 or send us a message.

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